Is cold weather really coming? Get a jump on the season with these 9 tips

An MTB Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning technician bringing tools out to the service van in Matthews, NC

In the middle of summer’s sweltering heat, it can be difficult to think about fall and winter weather. However, cooler temperatures will be upon us before we know it. The experts at MTB Mechanical encourage you to look ahead to the heating season and begin thinking about any maintenance or improvements your home may need, so that you can be assured of a comfortable fall and winter.

  1. Install a programmable thermostat and fully utilize its features in the colder months. For example, the best time to lower the heat setting is when you are sleeping or away from home. By lowering the temperature by 10 degrees at night, you can reduce your heating bill by 10 to 20%. MTB is here to help with the proper installation of a programmable thermostat .
  2. Make sure your furnace is running as efficiently as possible. Contact MTB to schedule winter service through our Preventative Maintenance Agreement (PCA). It gives you priority service, and a preventative check for both heating and cooling each year.
  3. Change the air filters in your HVAC system. Dirty filters prevent it from running optimally. Need to keep on a regular schedule? Sign up for our free filter reminders .
  4. Pay attention to what is opened and closed. As it gets colder, minimize how often doors (garage doors, too) and windows are opened. During the day, open south-facing window curtains, drapes and blinds to absorb the sun’s heat.
  5. Check windows and doors for cracks. Sealing and caulking large cracks in your window frames can save you up to 5% on your energy bill. On your exterior doors, check for weatherstripping. This is important, because a ⅛-inch crack around your exterior door is equivalent to a six-inch hole in the side of your home when it comes to energy loss.
  6. Set your water heater no higher than 125 degrees.
  7. Consider a whole home humidifier. Moister air feels warmer, so this can allow you to set your thermostat at a lower temperature. MTB has several humidifier options to choose from.
  8. Don’t use a traditional fireplace for extra heating purposes. A fireplace draws heated air through the chimney to fuel the fire. Your furnace is then forced to work harder to replace the lost warm air. Also, be sure to close your fireplace damper and seal the opening shut when not in use.
  9. Inspect your insulation to ensure it’s not showing signs of wear and tear. This includes attics and crawl spaces.

For any comfort needs, all year long, MTB is here with solutions, professional service and friendly advice. Reach out today! Schedule an appointment online or call us today.

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