While regular service from your heating and cooling professional is always the best way to ensure top performance for your air conditioning , there are a few DIY things you can do to help keep the cool air flowing. MTB Mechanical shares these six simple tips:
- Clean dust from registers, and for any registers on the floor, be sure they are unobstructed by furniture, pet beds or other items.
- Outside, trim shrubbery to allow at least two feet of clearance from your A/C unit.
- Also with your outdoor unit, clear leaves and debris from the grill. Take a look inside, and if the interior of the unit is dirty, it may be time for a service call.
- Assess ductwork in your attic or crawlspace to see if there are holes, loose tape or separated sections that could potentially leak air.
- Replace your air filters regularly to reduce restrictions and wasted energy. Need helping remember when to change them? Sign up for our free filter reminders .
- Inspect your condensate line to be sure it is clear and is allowing water runoff. Where do you find it? Look for a pipe, usually white PVC pipe, in the proximity of your outdoor compressor.
These simple tips will help optimize your A/C’s performance, to supplement the annual preventative maintenance that every system needs, just like the annual inspection for your car. Is it time for a checkup for your home? MTB offers a Priority Service Agreement (PCA) that includes two preventative checks each year.